Hilarious memoirs of a madam!!

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The Intellect of the average or not so average punter.

There are some people who assume that this type of job is actually very easy and then there are some who assume its actually quite difficult.
I say its neither.
What I do say is that it is often quite tedious; having to deal with absolute IDIOTS!!! and I say that with a capital I!!!!

From time to time, I receive private messages online from potential clients who wish to pay me a visit or ask that I visit them. They ask what is my schedule and when and where could I meet them.
But of course occasionally there always has to be the most annoying idiots that make this job all the more tiring.

Take for example the business man from the north of Ireland who asked that whenever I may be near his location , would I make a visit to him in a hotel or could he visit me if I was booking into a hotel?
I politely informed him that his location was out of the way of my regular route on the way up north but he was welcome to book a hotel on the motorway I would be passing on and I would be happy to visit him there.
He replied a couple of days later telling me that he could not book the hotel as he was ‘well known in the hotel industry’ and would I book it instead.

My usual format in this kind of situation is to request an online upfront deposit before hand to cover my costs and also to ensure the client is genuine.
After he agreed to this, he then replied telling me he had no problem meeting me in a hotel , but he would not be able to meet me anywhere from his original desired location as he did not have a car!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

We are ‘well known in the hotel industry’ so we are unable to book it in your own name? You mean you cannot book it in a different name? And now, you ; the business man who has a long respectable career in the hotel industry does not drive????!!!
Are we still living at home with Mama? Are we still at college living in a house share? Are you sure you are not suffering from Alzheimers?

This type of idiot behaviour is what makes it all the more irritating and makes me less tolerant of timewasters.
Or like the odd client that wants to keep you talking on the phone and you know for sure that as he’s asking the questions about ‘What do you do?’ and he keeps on probing deeper and deeper you are aware that he is actually playing with himself.

I happen to pride myself on the fact I, like a lot of ladies in this business, am both very well educated and very intelligent and just because I operate an on call service that serves the needs for the greater good of man, does not mean that I am open to abuse, timewasting and down right menace behaviour.
Lets just say I have happily given up on answering private messages.
If they can’t call you direct, they’re just not worth it.

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Navigating life thru a a lens… no matter how big or small….
