Hilarious memoirs of a madam!!

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Does size REALLY matter?

There has been monumental debate on how escorts/dominatrixes serve the greater needs of society by providing intimate personal services for the so called “disabled”. Individuals who have suffered purely by genetic default , or victims of road accidents resulting in impaired mobility. What would they do without ladies such as ourselves who provide a much needed service for their respective selves.
I myself am no stranger to servicing the needs of wheelchair users , car crash  victims or cerebral palsy sufferers and occasionally when they do contact me for a service , its always provided with the best of intentions .The drill is usually always to be informed before the appointment is booked, and of course, this is vitally important if the intended client is a wheelchair user, he will always need a house with access to a ground floor room only, otherwise it is imperative that there is a lift if its an above ground floor apartment. Visiting a hotel or calling to their house is never an issue as they will already have it organised.

I once had a client tell me on the phone that he suffered from that nasty skin infection psoriasis and he asked was that going to be a problem? which it was not, in fact when we met later that day, I felt great sympathy for him as his skin was wretched with red dry itchy patches. I made a suggestion to him about perhaps trying out some alternative methods to rid himself of the angry rash via the Chinese medicine route , namely in the form of a good herbalist as I had seen amazing results one time with a person who had a similar problem.

He gratefully accepted my advice and a couple of months later I unexpectedly received a call from him ecstatically thanking me for my help. He had availed of the services of a native Chinese herbalist in town and was overjoyed at the fact that at least 75% of the rash had disappeared. Its always nice to be of help.

I guess one can never know what they are going to meet at their own front door but sometimes the most unexpected can happen.
One Spring afternoon whilst trading business at my West London flat, I received a phone call from a pleasant sounding gentleman who requested an appointment at short notice.
The sound of his voice immediately put me at ease and seeing I had no other appointments booked that day, I granted him a slot within a half hour of the phone call.
The particular property that I lived in at the time was a very nice modern ground floor one bedroomed house with a secure front door.
The top part of the front door from about waist up was made up of 9 separate square shaped shimmery glass panes whilst the bottom part was purely wooden panels.
There was a letterbox in the lower wooden part and when someone would come to the door you could see them standing there through the glass but because of the blurred design you could usually only make out a shape and colour of who the person was so it wasn’t always easy to actually identify who they actually were.
That afternoon would be very different to any of this.

Having prepared myself and as arranged, a half an hour later there was a knock at the door from the intended client, I proceeded down the hallway to open the door to him.
Except when I walked down the hall this day, I couldn’t actually see anyone at the door through the glass. I was a bit puzzled as to why this was and of course the first thing I assumed was that who ever had knocked at my door had done a runner.
This was not the case.
As my hand reached up to open the latch of the door, I was suddenly taken by extreme surprise for when I opened it fully, my head dropped down to find standing there right in front of me was the figure a 3ft 8 ins high dwarf!!!
Words totally failed me except for the fact it was important to behave as if nothing unusual was happening here.
I smiled and invited him in .
Standing tall in my statuesque physique of 5ft 11ins high, I followed this small man down the hallway and directed him to the bedroom.
Although it felt slightly strange , I couldn’t help but feel out of sorts with this.
How on earth was this encounter going to develop? What exactly was he looking for and owing to the reduction in his height , I was really just feeling my way.
He asked for ‘full service’ and on paying me the fee for the half hour , I told him to get undressed and lie face down while I briefly left the room to put the money away in the kitchen. This was a first for me, if not the last , but nothing could have prepared for what was to meet me next.

I walked back into the bedroom where he lay on the bed .
It was oddly peculiar, to see a naked adult man genetically restricted.
The shortness of his legs and body, small and almost grotesque, like something from a Grimm brothers fairytale. I really couldn’t help feel that it was going to be quite weird encounter if not slightly distasteful.
The skin on his body was excessively dry if not for perhaps a case of excema but overall the image was that of an ugly unattractive physique, not to mention his personality as for when he began to talk he appeared to be have a sense of entitlement about himself.
He wasn’t at all interested in being massaged so I just concentrated on teasing his nether regions. My fingertips and long fingernails gently clawed his balls and ass globes and he let out a sigh of pleasure as I ran my fingertips down his back and caressed his thighs.
He was lying face down so I had yet to view any other part of his body.
But he seemed so eager to experience the main course he quickly turned over to expose his manhood and that is when words failed me!!!!!
Holy Crap!!!! This little man had the biggest knob in the flaming Universe!!!ARRRRRGGGHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
So much for Benny Hill and his alter ego Ernie, driving the fastest milk cart in the West; This was completely indescribable!
This was an experience I would not forget and without wanting to sound insensitive to the guy, it was all real!!!
His goddam knob was larger than even the largest knob I had ever seen and that’s not an exaggeration!!!
If I could perhaps describe the size of a pint glass that’s about the closest it came to it. And it wasn’t because he had a small body it just stood out. He ACTUALLY had the largest knob I have ever seen. I never saw one that size ever since, even men who were paid to display themselves in nude magazines to show off their large endowment , they didn’t even compare!!

Of course my next thought was how on earth were we going to perform the act?!!!
He was eager and quite pushy to get it over with and with that I rolled a condom (which quite happily fit once stretched over it) on it and he asked to take me from behind.
So with my usual method, I knelt on the bed on which he STOOD behind me, he didn’t even have to kneel down as he was so small and with that I grabbed hold of his magic wonder and placed it inside me. The difference in our body sizes ensured he got the deed over within the guts of 30 seconds.
Yes! yes!… I know what you’re thinking, did it actually fit? And yes, it did, but the overall feeling was all a bit too freaky plus I didn’t like his personality, he wasn’t the most pleasant of persons and once the act was over and he put his clothes back on, I was glad to see the back of him.
There was something innately impersonal about him. Why? I don’t know , it was just his persona but I knew for sure that this was one drama I didn’t want to repeat.
Once he’d left I was sure I would never hear from him again.
But I couldn’t have been more wrong, as only 2 weeks later he unexpectedly called again asking for an appointment. Stupidly I told him it was okay to call over. It would have been best to tell him I was too busy that day but being caught off guard I got lost in the moment.
But this time, I really couldn’t face having to service him again so when the letterbox knocked a few minutes later, I ignorantly chose to ignore it.
He flapped the letterbox again a 2nd time but I stayed silent.
He never called again but it was an episode I have never forgotten.
They say that size doesn’t really matter but I beg to differ.

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About Me

Navigating life thru a a lens… no matter how big or small….
